Rod Froelich

Froelich Ranch – ND. Great Ranches of the West

“The Froelich Ranch was finally established, though not along Russia’s Volga River as Matt and his family originally envisioned. In 1948, the ranch began to breed quarter horses when Matt’s son, John J. Froelich, bought and registered a Palomino stallion named WR’s Commanche Boy. John’s love for the Palomino breed has passed down to his […]

Froelich Ranch – ND. Great Ranches of the West

“Rod’s German grandfather, Matt Froelich, was just nineteen years old when his family immigrated to North Dakota from Russia. Catherine the Great had promised German farmers wealth and privilege if they would come and cultivate farmland along the lush Volga River valley. But the promises proved false, and in the early ears of the twentieth […]