Eiguren Ranch – OR. Great Ranches of the West

“The sagebrush was huge, sometimes towering over them and their shared horse. The brush was so thick that a straight path wasn’t possible. The frequent backtracking slowed their progress and used up their slim resources. Jose Navarro and Antonio Azcuenaga began their journey from Nevada in 1889 to seek their fortunes farther north. Originally from the Basque country in the western Pyrenees Mountains of northern Spain, they found this territory very different and difficult. At the beginning of their trek, the Nevada desert was barren, but at least by traveling in the cool mornings they could make good headway. Now, on the high desert of southeastern Oregon, they ran out of food and water. And the thick sage made travel exhausting. Jose and Antonio were both close to death when a trapper stumbled upon them. He gave them provisions and directed them to a route where they would find water.”
– Jim Keen, Great Ranches of the West Author & Photographer

Please note that only 13 of 228 full color pages from this self-published book are featured.

This beautiful award-winning 12×11 fine art, hard bound, coffee table book featuring over 30 ranches in 17 states with nearly 600 photographs will make a wonderful addition to any home or office, and be a showing of your support for America’s struggling farm and ranch families.

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