Warhill Sheep

Warren Ranch – WY. Great Ranches of the West

“As the group rides away from me, the rich history of the ranch echoes under the staccato of horse hooves life far-off gunfire. The tale of the Warren Ranch begins miles and years away in Port Hudson, Louisiana, as a nineteen-year-old corporal, eager to speak to his commander, threaded his way through medics tending fallen […]

Warren Ranch – WY. Great Ranches of the West

“The Civil War did much to shape the character of this young man from Hinsdale, Massachusetts. After the war, the lure of the Western Territories called Warren away from Hinsdale to the wild, boisterous town of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Warren found work with cattle baron Amasa Converse, and their arrangement evolved into a partnership that ultimately […]

Warren Ranch – WY. Great Ranches of the West

“Senator Warren’s son Fred brought Harvard-trained engineering experience to the ranch, moving it from its “Wild West” phase into an efficient ranching affair. Fred updated facilities and equipment until it became of the most modern operations in the West. Fred also worked with Dr. John Hill of the Wyoming School of Agriculture to develop the […]