Warren Ranch – WY. Great Ranches of the West

“As the group rides away from me, the rich history of the ranch echoes under the staccato of horse hooves life far-off gunfire. The tale of the Warren Ranch begins miles and years away in Port Hudson, Louisiana, as a nineteen-year-old corporal, eager to speak to his commander, threaded his way through medics tending fallen men. The rumble of cannon fire faded as darkness fell. Francis Emory Warren of Company C intended to volunteer for a dangerous mission to lead an early advance against the enemy in the morning. For personal bravery during that maneuver in the May of 1863, Warren earned the Congressional Medal of Honor.”
– Jim Keen, Great Ranches of the West Author & Photographer

Please note that only 13 of 228 full color pages from this self-published book are featured.

This beautiful award-winning 12×11 fine art, hard bound, coffee table book featuring over 30 ranches in 17 states with nearly 600 photographs will make a wonderful addition to any home or office, and be a showing of your support for America’s struggling farm and ranch families.

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